Sunday, April 8, 2018

Our King Will Come

Don't be afraid, we are all precious to Him.
Come to the throne, Jesus has made the way in.
Though we may stumble, he helps us go on.
He lifts the fallen, the weak are made strong.

Do not despair, in every trial we face
He is at work, able to fill us with peace.
The dawn is breaking when he will appear
Our great salvation, our bright morning star.   

Our King will come and will call us home
The Bride and Lamb will be one.
There’ll be no more pain,
Every tear wiped away
By our God who reigns evermore.

At his command those that are sleeping will rise,
Woken by love, wonder and joy in their eyes.
In that great moment, the trumpet will sound,
Then we, still living, will rise from the ground.