I’m not
sure what started this train of thought. We know Jesus statement to the rich
young ruler, no-one is good but God alone, and we know the verse from James
1:17, every good and perfect gift is from above. But I think it was as I
considered simply the beauty of a single lawn flower as I walked to my car
after work.
Why is such
beauty to be seen, even on an ordinary day of lockdown, on the humble grass
that we walk over?
I was reminded
me of the verse from Ecclesiastes, that God makes everything beautiful in it’s
So here is
a small simple yellow flower, with its circle of petals glistening on a moist cool,
early spring day. Beauty even in the lawn. Something I would normally walk over.
But then I
thought of the multitude of blades of grass beneath the flower, all forming a
green carpet, insignificant compared to the dazzling yellow of the little
Yes, God
cares also for the grass, and the dirt beneath the grass and the worms beneath
the dirt and so-on. At every layer there is creation, God’s good creation,
bursting with tiny details of God’s genius. And not simply his genius, but his
goodness, because his creation is both
functional and beautiful.
And this
goodness and functionality are simply a reflection of God’s deep goodness.
But to
appreciate God’s goodness, we must be rescued from our guilty anger.
I have
watched my children behave (as I have also) in anger, eating a beautiful
meal without an ounce of gratitude, for those who prepared and provided it.
That is how
it can be with us when we have no desire for God himself.
We can
experience the benefits of creation without gratitude.
I think I
am quoting from Romans when I say that.
(NIV) For although they knew God, they neither
glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him.
Yet God
cares for all of us, saint and sinner alike, making his rain fall on all who
have need, believers, and non-believers.
You see, to
start to appreciate God’s goodness, we need to be in a positive relationship
with him.
But our
sinfulness puts a barrier up. We do not want to relate to someone whom we have
failed, time and again. Someone whom we have potentially offended, someone, who
we possibly offend repeatedly, although we have tried not to, or someone we
blame for all the problems in our lives, or someone we quietly think is
punishing us continually, and unfairly for all the “tiny” things we did some
time ago.
Even as
believers, how often do we fall back into old sins?
But if we
are somehow removed from our sins, separated from them in such a way that they
no longer have moral consequences for us, freedom without bounds, freedom to
try and live a godly life, (which is what Jesus did for us on the cross), then,
with our lives comforted by the wonderful grace of God, we see God in a new
light. We see his goodness on so many levels.
In fact the
deeper we look, the more goodness we find, in every detail that he has planned
in our lives, our family, our friends, our spouses, our children, our place to
live, the jobs he provides, the opportunity to express our gifts, and the
wonderful creation he surrounds us with, in front, behind, above , below, we
are hemmed in by his goodness.
139:5-6 (NIV) 5 You hem me in behind and before,
and you lay
your hand upon me.
6 Such
knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty
for me to attain.
And his
goodness is worthy of our praise.
God does
not need our praise. He is not a like a fearful, insecure dictator needing his subjects to
lavish continual lip service in order to prevent the reality of fallen ugliness from
taking hold.
God is independently
good at every level, and all who behold him can only cry ‘Holy, Holy, Holy.”
Because truly, that is how he is.
But he is
also truly good, in the moral and kind and loving way.
He is so
good that he does not overlook his fallen creation, but rather subjects it to
necessary temporary frustration, as his plan for full restoration is fulfilled.
And his plan is to send his most precious son, Jesus, as a propitiation.