Here are the lyrics to my newest worship song. I did struggle a bit to finish the song. The melody was written first. Eventually I was happy with the chorus melody. During Summerschool in Victor Harbour in January I started to write the lyrics. I really wanted to capture the warmth of being together in church, but also to be clear about why we gather together on Sundays. My first draft was OK. I sent it away for critiquing. I had a lot of feedback. The first verse wasn't clear enough. The chorus melody was too complicated. I left it for a few weeks. Then about 2 weeks ago, I was able to approach the song freshly. The changes are important, and I believe the song is now stronger. The Chorus lyrics are quite different. It was easy once I realized I wanted to say thank you.
Hopefully I will have a recorded version in the next 6 months.
Dec 2016. I've added the recorded track below.
Dec 2016. I've added the recorded track below.
1. Come into God's house of love,
He who calls us here wants us to know
That we are welcome.
This is why we gather here:
Jesus freely gave his life for all,
And we're forgiven.
What a joy to be free from sin,
Every life is now hidden with Him,*
We arise giving thanks with all our hearts;
Thank you Father, for your Son,
For your all atoning love,
Thank you that you've made us all your own.
Thank you that you've washed us clean,
Every blemish, every stain,
Ready now to stand before your throne.
Thank you.
2.Thank you that we hear your voice,
Word and Spirit teaching us to live
In true communion.
Thank you that we share your meal,
Bread and wine proclaiming all you gave
For our salvation.
What a joy to be free from sin,
Every life is now hidden with Him,
We arise giving thanks with all our hearts;
Thank you for your mercy,
Thank You, thank you for your grace,
Thank you, thank you for your kindness,
Thank you, Thank you.
Ready now to worship at your throne.
Ready now to fall before your throne.
Thank you.
*(Colossians 3:3
For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.)
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