Saturday, October 22, 2016

The devil goes to church...

Ever wondered why arguments, disagreements, conflict, irritations, anger, hatred, and so many other things just seem to spring up out of nowhere at church, sometimes straight after the best services?

Ever wondered why the sound system plays up at crucial moments?

Ever wondered why people get snoozy during important parts of the sermon, why your children misbehave at what seem to be important points, and why people interrupt with the most apparently trivial things at the worst possible times?

Why do people overhear the things we shouldn’t be saying about them, at the worst possible times?

And why do certain topics come up during announcements or during the service, that seem to grate on our raw nerves?

Why do we suddenly feel like we don’t want to maintain our involvement at fellowship?

Why do people ask the most sensitive questions at the wrong time?

Why do you tell a white lie just before you’re about to give a sermon on being faithful in the small things?

The actual reason all these things happen is because we are sinners. 

Yes, we are rebellious, yes we are proud, arrogant, lazy, dumb, vicious, backbiting, inconsistent, prayerless, careless, judgemental, biased, and too interested in our own benefit, and in money.

And the devil knows it, and his timing is pretty much perfect.

God have mercy on us sinners.

1John 3:8 The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.

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