The Christian faith is a gentle, humble, patient faith.
It is not a boastful, proud, forceful, or dominating movement that fearfully and demandingly converts those who are weaker.
Nor is it a deceitful, scheming, wealthy or clever faith.
It is a serving faith, willing to do what others would not. The menial tasks, the jobs that most would avoid.
It is a giving faith. Giving and forgiving.
It is a joyful faith, secure in the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It is a singing faith, joyful in the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It is an expectant faith, knowing that God blesses us and keeps us in all circumstances.
It is a patient faith, knowing that the seasons God provides will be effective in bringing about the harvest that God is preparing.
It is a suffering faith, understanding and accepting that we are supported in our struggles, and gain wisdom and maturity as well as humility through these.
We accept all that God provides for us, and also what he removes.
We do falter in our Christian walk, and are prone to wandering, but the true Shepherd is faithful to guide, restore and lead us to the goal he has planned.
We are not ashamed to call on his name. Jesus, our Lord.
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